Hey guys, sorry for the lack of posts in the last while it has been a really busy time for me with work and training but I'm back and excited to post some of the topics I have been working on! For this post anyway, I have decided to discuss briefly about how you can develop your game as a player and how key individuals such as family, friends and coaches in particular can play a role. I think that it is very difficult to get the balance between how much interaction you need. For example, "Do you need you parents at the back of the court?" This can be up for discussion and if I am being totally honest a discussion that could go on for years and years. There is no right or wrong answer. As children, we tend to like having someone at the back of the court or on the sideline to cheer us on and give us that extra bit of motivation. But how much is enough? For me, I grew up having my mum, a great badminton player herself to coach me and I am forever thankful to her for t...
International Badminton player and Sport Science Student