Hey guys, sorry it's been a while since my last post, I have been really busy with starting a new job but i'm ready to get back into it again! In this post I will outline 6 key benefits of listening to music while working out. I always listen to music when working out, especially when running or in the gym and here's why...
- Music is a good kind of distraction: A study showed that there is more to listening to music than just distraction but it did show that participants who listened to music while working out were less aware of their exertion. A distraction like this has been proven to enhance athletic performance by up to 15 percent.
- It ups your effort: Listening to music is a key component in my workouts and I find it helps me put in that extra ounce of effort! A study showed that cyclists who listen to music while working out actually work harder when listening to fast music rather than slow music. Songs between 120 and 140 beats per minute were suggested to have the maximum effect on moderate exercisers.
- Music puts you "in the zone": Everyone has a go to song that get's them in the mood and there is science to back that up but why does it improve exercise performance? We often associate certain songs with memories so that when we listen to the song it channels our inner emotions and brings back that same memory. By re-evoking that memory, it boosts the motivational power of the song, and has been shown to improve physical performance.
- A good beat can help you keep pace: Listening to music while running, for example, can be a key component to crushing your personal best! The rythem of your workout music stimulates the motor area of the brain as to when to move, aiding a self-moving workout such as running. We tend to use our energy more efficiently when listening to music as we tend to run to the beat and keep pace throughout the session.
- Music can elevate your mood: If theres one reason why we should all listen to music while we workout it's this. Music is known to elevate our mood which in-turn motivates us to workout! Music allows us to just be ourselves in that moment, we can reflect on what has happened in the recent times and escape from the present - a game changer when it comes to working out!
- It makes you want to move: Sometimes we can't help but want to knock out some grooves when listening to music and research has proved that when music possesses "high-groove" qualities, the brain gets excited and induces movement on the listener. So, no matter how much you are dreading that workout your playlist can literally make you move!
So, make sure you get the tunes rolling for your next workout!
Hope you found this post interesting! I'm sure most of you already do listen to music while you workout, I mean I can't imagine working out without music but that's just me..It's not for everyone but i'm pretty sure it is for most people.
Feel free to post opinions and any post suggestions/questions! Chat soon!